Wednesday, March 2, 2011

About Multiple Sclerosis

Read the title of my blog and realized I haven't mentioned MS yet. Now I've mentioned it. More complete and up to date information is available through the site.

How does MS affect me? Good days and bad days. It's a lot like real life. Don't drive anymore, since my reaction time and focus are slowed. Some times I struggle to find words when I'm talking. Good thing I'm a writer. I can take my time finding the right word to write whereas in conversation that tip of the tongue experience (aphasia) is a real drag. It's not always present, so the real disruption for me is how I get embarrassed when it is. Embarrassment is my issue, not something caused by the MS.

My mother had MS. A cousin also has it. MS is not hereditary. I believe genes+stress+virus of some sort may lead to MS. That's my thought. Got no scientific proof, therefore BEWARE: anecdote. My mother was diagnosed before disease modifying therapies (DMTs) were available. My cousin and I are lucky. There are DMTs now and more in the medical pipeline. Researchers now are even talking about prevention and cure.

The diagnosis did change my life: I grew up. In many ways, I became stronger. If you want to know how a disabled woman learned to live in a van with two dogs, two cats and their litter pan, her pens and paper while trying to keep her mind together and prove her eligibility for veterans benefits, read Inside the Kaleidoscope when it becomes available.

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